Author name: Jamil Rashdi

Customer story: SilviaTerra maps the future of forests with Microsoft AI

Analyzing data has given us a better understanding of everything from consumer behavior to production efficiencies. In short, data helps us manage and direct our resources in the most efficient and effective ways possible.

What if we applied this same strategy to our forests? While they may not be made up of code, AI technology is allowing us to track and understand our forests and other natural resources like never before. With this understanding comes the same opportunity for more efficient management.

Check out this video to learn more about the incredible impact SilviaTerra is already having on one Pennsylvanian watershed.

Enhance Security with Windows and Office

Enhance Security and remain compliant as end of support approaches.

It takes hackers 4 minutes to get into servers through email attacks. 286 days on average to detect a #security breach and an additional 80 days to repair the damage.

What are you waiting for? Get Modern with JRashdi Limited and @Microsoft today!

Encouraging and enabling collaboration in modern workplace

Is your IT department the gatekeeper or the enabler of collaboration? All too often, IT falls into the trap of giving permission to use productivity tools instead of finding out what employees need to work together better, then facilitating those capabilities. In this article, the author poses the important question: “Are we the gatekeeper to …

Encouraging and enabling collaboration in modern workplace Read More »

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